Saturday 30 July 2011

Seeking the Unknown.

I look around, and I see faces. Smiling faces. Frowning faces. Some indifferent. Some smiling at me. I smile back. It is the lips that smile. Not the eyes. People talk. I talk along. The mind still wanders. There still is a void. A void that people cannot fill. Nor can their empty smiles and hollow talks. I talk, I smile, I exist. I love, I hate, I cry. While I still look, to fill the void. Everything is as it is supposed to be. But nothing is as it should be. the void can be deceptive. Keeping itself buried. Acting like it doesn't exist. But sometimes creeping around the mind, smothering thought. I know not what the mind seeks. I know not what will fill the void and fulfill me. It is something only time will tell. 

Saturday 2 July 2011

Joy Of Giving

Ever spared a thought to the tiny fingers,
tugging at your cuff for a rupee or two?
Let compassion take over your daily bothers?
For if you have a nothing, a smile would do.

Quest for an idyllic life, stuck in a rat race,
Perturbed by the search of one's own mirth.
Spare a thought to the smiling, dirt-streaked face,
that has been betrayed by fate, let down by birth.

Look at others troubles, much larger in magnitude,
look beyond selfish motives and a mere existence.
Gain inspiration from displays of fortitude,
In times of crisis, smiles full of radiance.

Spare a smile to a lonesome soul,
make someone's day with your good deeds.
Give a listening ear, a reassuring hug,
For love is all everyone really needs.
Look for a deeper meaning to life,
Spend time sharing, caring and loving.
Spend it helping others in strife,
For true joy lies in the joy of giving.

Of Rains and Nostalgia.

Monsoons '10

I hate the rains. I really, really do.
Especially when they decide to be a bitch and pour all of sudden, without a warning, from a seemingly sunny sky, only long enough to completely drench you from head to toe. Only long enough to make everything muddy and icky. Only long enough to make your clothes wet, ruin your pretty shoes and your mood. It doesn't take too much to piss me off nowadays anyway. But all I can really do is shake a fist at the skies and mutter to myself while I walk off, thoroughly miffed.

Moreover, I hate the rains when they remind me of when they actually made me smile. Of when I would happily wade through water clogs from college to college during admissions, drenched and dirty but with pleasant company and lots of joy.
I hate how it reminds me of long drives in the night, crazy photo sessions, hot corn by the streets and memorable night-outs.
I hate how it reminds me of days well spent, of hearty laughter, of meaningful smiles, of hidden glances, of wet hugs, of happy tears, of music too loud and of nights too short.
I hate that it reminds me of endless phone conversations sitting by the window, sipping on coffee while watching the raindrops fall.
I hate how it wants me to snuggle up with people I love most, armed with a movie, some popcorn and happy smiles.
I hate how it gets me to take the phone in my hand, type the numbers I know too well, sigh and keep the phone back.

  The one thing the rains never fail to bring to me are happy memories and wishful sighs. Funny thing, the rains. They make the most indifferent people yearn for familiarity and love.
Yes, I hate the rains. I really, really do.